Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Increase skin elasticity diet

1, amount of drinking water

Human tissue fluid where up to 72% moisture content, adult body water content of 58% -67%. When the body of water to diminish, there will be dry skin, sebaceous glands secrete less, so that the skin loses its elasticity, and even wrinkles. To ensure the water intake, girls should be a daily volume of 1200 milliliters of drinking water around.

2, eat foods rich in vitamin

Vitamins for the prevention of skin aging, maintain the delicate skin moisture plays an important role. Japanese scholars found that vitamin E plays an important role for the anti-aging skin. Because vitamin E can destroy the chemical activity of free radicals, thereby inhibiting senescence.

Vitamin E also prevent lipofuscin calm the skin effect. Scientists have found that lipofuscin formation and lipid peroxidation relevant. More food containing vitamin E are cabbage, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and so on. Vitamin A, B 2 is also the skin smooth Xirun indispensable substances.

When the body lacks vitamin A, the skin becomes dry and rough with scales; if a lack of vitamin B2, it will appear milky mouth, skin, lips cracking, desquamation and pigmentation. Foods rich in vitamin A, animal liver, cod liver oil, milk, butter, eggs and orange-red vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in vitamin B2, liver, kidney, heart, eggs, milk and so on.

3, multi-eat foods containing iron

Radiance of your skin rosy require an adequate blood supply. Heme iron in the blood constitutes one of the major components, therefore, should eat foods rich in iron. Such as animal liver, egg yolk, kelp, seaweed, etc..

4, increasing collagen and elastin-rich food intake

Collagen protein that causes cells to become full, thereby filling the skin, wrinkles reduced; elastin allows people to enhance skin elasticity, making skin smooth and elastic. Rich in collagen and elastin and more foods trotters, animal tendon, and pig skin and so on.

5, should pay attention to basic food intake

Daily life, eat fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cereal, etc. are physiological acidic. Weight acidic foods cause body fluids and blood lactic acid, uric acid levels increased. When the organic acid can not be promptly eliminated from the body, they will erode the sensitive skin cells lose their delicate skin and elasticity. Order and in vivo acid composition, therefore, should eat physiological alkaline foods such as apples, pears, citrus and vegetables.

Apart from the above recipe for outside stimulation of the skin but also to avoid the outside world. The summer sun, winter winds, will cause the skin to become rough, which according to seasonal changes, be ready to take protective measures. Do not be too frequent cleaning of the skin. Such as the repeated friction, would be too late to regeneration of damaged skin cells. Attention to protecting the skin, avoid contact with excess acid or alkaline substances, according to their own skin, choose the right cosmetics and cleaning products, proper conduct of the massage. Water woman, water, you should not neglect the maintenance of skin, Oh

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