Tuesday, December 22, 2009

70% of the human skin how can sub-health

A recent WHO survey shows that in the yellow, the skin in a healthy state of less than 10% are sick for more than 20%, while in between ill health and that the sub-healthy state by up to 70% .

No peeling, no long-ringworm, skin, how would sub-health?

WHO experts explained that, from a medical point of view, the health of the skin should have the following characteristics:

Smooth, soft, delicate and transparent, moisturizing flawless, flexible.

The living environment of many factors that lead to skin tissue function is low, due to cell metabolism, micro-cycle of an obstacle, but showing a rough skin, dry, dark, lack of luster, long stains, wrinkles, pigment deposition and other phenomena, which is sub-health skin. Grown adult acne, red blood, etc., but also skin and internal disorders caused by sub-health conditions.

"But the number must not be intimidated," If we can pay attention to the skin in peacetime maintenance, sub-healthy skin is entirely a good conditioning.

1, From the inside out to conditioning, the skin is a sub-health people first need to pay attention to. Vitamin A, C, E, B6 has anti-oxidation, can be strengthened from within the skin's defense system to deal with pigment deposition, destruction of free radical activity, promote blood circulation. Therefore, the sub-health skin who want to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, or the amount of oral supplements. Georgia medical experts found that the polyphenols contained in green tea can enhance the activity of human epidermal cells, so do not forget the beauty of women drank a cup of green tea fragrance.

2,In addition, the Japanese experts experiments show some appreciation for each day said to himself, then to maintain pleasant mood, is also very important for skin health.

3,Also note that the external Maintenance of sub-healthy skin. Even at night exhausted, it must be thoroughly cleanse the skin, once a week to go horny. Even after application of cold water gently cleansing the skin flap to promote blood circulation. In addition, the choice of cleansing products to choose weak acid as far as possible, no spices, can be the type of moisture.

4,The women living in the office by the Office of air pollution, computer radiation, air dry against the wind, coupled with the law of rest is very much easier to become a sub-healthy skin. The skin is proportional to fatigue and sleep quality, so that such groups should improve sleep quality, try to sleep before 11 pm, because this time the most productive metabolism of skin cells

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