A time when New Year is the time to inventory what you nutritional view, following knowledge of nutrition from A to Z, are the 2007 important topic in the field of nutrition, to recall the concept of these nutrients, whether it is worthy of our attention, nutritious food, or health good diet, healthy eating can be that next year's a good beginning.
Antioxidants Antioxidants - Food and allows you to younger
Strictly speaking, the food, mainly vegetables and fruits, including thousands of types of antioxidant compounds, they can fight against cancer, heart disease, eye disease and even diabetes. Have the strongest antioxidant power of foods, including dried plums, blueberries, blackberries, kale, strawberries, raisins, oranges, plums, red grapes and red vegetables first class, nuts and whole grains are also rich in antioxidants. However, it should try to get from natural foods, rather than too much to take antioxidant supplements, because too much can actually contribute to an anti-oxidant free radical formation.
Key points:In order to obtain a rich anti-oxidants, strive every day to eat 5 to 9 kinds of fruit and vegetables.
Breast Cancer Breast Cancer - insist on eating soy
Mody fear of breast cancer? Must adhere to the consumption of soy foods, because of the phytoestrogens are nutritionists that: can effectively complement the body's estrogen.
Key points:At least two copies of a daily consumption of soy foods (if you have breast cancer and estrogen-related medical history, then a week 3 to 4 copies).
Multicolor Colorful Foods Food - fashionable health
Is now a hot topic on nutrition and trendy fashion, is to choose rich colors, it is very easy concept to grasp. For example, red can promote blood circulation, boost mood; orange can stimulate the appetite; yellow can stimulate the nerves and stimulate the energy, to concentrate and increase interest in learning help; green help stabilize mood and alleviate tension and so on.
Key points:Try to eat a variety of colors of food.
DASH Diet to stop high blood pressure with diet - fruits and vegetables the more the better
Have high blood pressure? Eat more fruits and vegetables. Indeed, a reasonable diet can lower blood pressure, including the choice of a large number of fruit and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and unsaturated fats. Recent studies have found that selecting the most effective food while reducing salt can further lower blood pressure.
Key points:Low-fat salt and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Ephedra Ephedra - diet food safety Thinking
Nutritionist to discuss the safety of products containing ephedra, because weight-loss drug ephedra has been used, this herb may cause the high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, and stroke. With a similar low-carbohydrate diet also includes the law.Key points:Do not try any diet pills or may be prejudicial to health of the diet. Safe method is always eat more exercise.
Flaxseed Flaxseed - concerned about the health of the oil
This dark brown seeds, in fact, contains many nutrients, but must eat grated in order to draw nutrition, of course, linseed oil is also a good choice. Can use a coffee machine to grind and grind only one or two weeks each in the amount needed, and then placed in the refrigerator for food. Flaxseed contains protein, fiber and alpha-linolenic acid, also contains a plant estrogen can help fight against cancer, flaxseed oil can lower cholesterol, which have Ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Key points:Flaxseed oil is used for cooking proper selection of food.
Gallstones Gallstones - Vitamin C is very important
In a recent study, there are indications that did not get enough vitamin C, may make you more susceptible to gallstones, because the body needs vitamins to collapse and excretion of cholesterol, which is an important component stones. If you are a woman, or overweight, you will be more at risk.
Key points:Note that multi-vitamin supplements daily, if there are gallstones cause pain, should take a low-fat diet.
H2O Water - in more detail to add water
Drinks or plain water? Nutritionists have concluded: drinking water to the body better, of course, to add body to drink during exercise is also true. However, the form should also be paid more attention to water, such as tea, wine, soup and so on. Each drink has its own rules of nutrition.
Key points:Drink 8 glasses of water a day is the total amount of water in all its forms. Each day to choose according to their physical condition is very important.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome irritating bowel syndrome - from the care of their dietIrritating bowel syndrome, it sounds strange, in fact, very common, for example you have diarrhea due to Zhu Yu draft. This syndrome is characterized by eating certain foods, or sudden diarrhea, constipation, or all of a sudden, many people have digestive system problems. Studies show that these irritating foods, including wheat bran, fried foods, onions, cabbage and coffee and alcohol.
Key points:If you want to know which foods to stimulate your problems, keep a record of the future try to avoid.
Java coffee - a cup a day
The morning clear-headed and do make a cup of coffee, or afternoon coffee, you spirits? This study concluded that: coffee and caffeine have been with high blood pressure, calcium loss, high cholesterol, rumination, wind arthritis and gastric ulcer link together, but in general, it is just above and to the habit of drinking three cups of coffee that people drink non-filtered into question. As a white-collar, work habits to a cup of coffee, and may even help prevent Parkinson's disease, gallstones and cirrhosis of the liver.Key points:Do not exceed the amount of glass per day.
Kale Kale - trying to understand the health of your vegetables
Nutritionist advice: If you need to choose a super-star of vegetables, kale is a top side competitors. Not only does it contain carotenoids such as carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein (lutien), which may help prevent colon cancer and eye disease; it is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid - a nutrient often lacking, At the same time, it provides calcium and fiber. It is still necessary as a source of alpha-linolenic acid, and an anti-cancer cruciferous vegetables.
Key points:Go to the supermarket look at this vegetable, buy home to do, not just when the thought of eating Western food.
Lycopene Lycopene - the different cooking methods to obtain
Lycopene has been proven to be a good plant nutrients, can be effective in preventing heart disease and prostate, cervical and colon cancer. But we remember that cooking tomatoes cooked to order so that lycopene completely released.
Key points:In addition to cooking fresh tomatoes, you can also choose canned tomato food, or regular consumption of tomato sauce.
Memory Aids to help remember - food choices rather than the drug
Seems that the age decline in memory have been young, mainly because the pace of life too fast, due to pressure, insomnia can lead to memory decline. The body, if magnesium deficiency would lead to memory loss, it should be noted that the diet supplement of fresh vegetables, fruits and foods rich in magnesium.
Key points:One can always eat corn, rough rice, whole wheat, animal liver, and so on. Amount of Vitamin E also has a certain effect.
Nuatual food natural food - to distinguish the true natural
"Natural" and "green" has become standard of health food choices. Associated with organic food, has also become more and more choice. But not all the food preservatives are harmful to health, need to be treated differently.Key points:Cautious view of food sources and nutrients, should be even more important.
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis - the preferred dairy products and beans
To eat low-fat dairy products (calcium and vitamin D), as well as fruit and vegetables (potassium and vitamins C and K), the whole valley (magnesium), plus beans and soybean products (including protein and isoflavones), will be to help increase calcium. If the lack of adequate bone mineral supplement that contains vitamin D, calcium supplement.
Key points:Essential for a cup of milk per day, plus plenty of legumes and vegetables.
Prostate Health Prostate health - to make your cooking to help it
Diet could help to alleviate benign prostatic hyperplasia? The answer is possible, eat less fat and meat, and eat whole grains and many vegetables, eat more tomatoes and soy foods, because they contain anti-cancer phytonutrients.
Key points:Low-fat, whole grain, multi-fruit and vegetable diet, the body is always good.
Quick food fast food - modern man's bad habits
It can not now avoid the diet, in general, eating fast food because of a single type of food, vitamin supplement is not enough and so on and not enough on health, but the key also to choose what and how often. At the same time, an opposite concept - "Slow Food" is being promoted, research shows that, calmly eating is beneficial to health.
Key points:Try to avoid fast food, bring their own lunch than fast food should be nutritious.
Rx Interaction with prescription drugs interfere with each other - Do not let the impact of efficacy of food
Note that your efficacy, is not broken down by the Food? For example, grapefruit juice, the acid will break down and dissolve drugs in advance, and even more drugs enter the bloodstream, there appeared the danger of poisoning. Similarly, some food, "relative to g" is also a noteworthy problem.
Key points:Concerned about food and food, the relationship between food and drugs, which is one aspect of food safety.
Security of food safety - the focus of the area of nutrition topics
The past few years has been highly concerned about the nutritional topics, and because Sudan, experts and scholars continued to once again become a hot spot such incidents. It can be predicted, followed by the international food safety remains a long-term focus of attention.
Key points:From food sources, cooking methods, to the cutlery choice, save the way, every aspect must be carefully detailed. Of course, different food, safe sex should be treated differently.
Trans Fats Trans fats - the chief culprit in heart disease
Now been confirmed that trans fat is linked with the troubles: eaten most of the Dutch trans fatty acids are the most susceptible to heart disease. Trans fat a double blow to the heart, elevated "bad" cholesterol while lowering "good" cholesterol. In order to avoid the hydrogenated oils to stay away from trans fats, we should be careful in choosing their food.
Key points:Puffing away from the biscuits, snacks, margarine and fast food in the french fries, etc..
Vitamin E Vitamin E - every day, not a lack of
Although studies have shown that vitamin E is not a panacea, but we can not do without it. Because it helps prevent cancer, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cataracts and pollution caused by lung injury; also likely to enhance immune function. These are the E-rich foods to eat, and even a daily supplement 100 to 400 international units of natural source vitamin E, a good reason.
Key points:Vitamin E is always cause for concern.
Urinary Tract Infection urinary tract infections - the magic cranberry juice
The latest research to tell you that drinking cranberry (cranberry) juice to avoid this pain, but you know why? Not because it makes urine are acidic, but because it contains pro-anthocyanidins, can prevent E. coli adhesion in the the bladder wall and multiply result of inflammation. A recent Finnish study has confirmed earlier findings that a daily drink 10 ounces 27% of the cranberry juice drink, can reduce the bacteria in the urine, thus reducing the risk of inflammation.
Key points:You can try to always drink cranberry juice instead of cola-type beverages, in fact, its taste is also very good.
Whole Grain whole-grain - a diet
Eat whole-grain bread is not only fashionable, highly nutritious whole grain that contains spores and the bran, contains a lot of quality nutrients - vitamin E and vitamin B, minerals such as magnesium and selenium, necessary linolenic acid, fiber and plant nutrients , such as the saponins and flavonoids, and xylan. More and more studies have shown that whole grains help to ward off heart disease, various cancers and type Ⅱ diabetes.
Key points:So that whole-grain foods become a habit. You can choose whole-wheat bread, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta. Breakfast can eat oatmeal, you can also order popcorn for snacks.
X Syndrone X Syndrome - women should focus on fiber and whole-grain intake
Also known as angina pectoris syndrome, are particularly prone to appear in the female body, when the body is overweight, lack of exercise, X syndrome, are especially prone, can increase the risk of heart disease. In this regard, experts agree that high-fiber fruits, vegetables and whole grain is the best. Also, for people who sit in an office all day, sport is also very important.
Key points:Added high-fiber, fruit and whole grain foods, coupled with regular exercise.
Yogurt Yogurt - can not forget nutrition
This was repeatedly recommended food, more abundant species are now on the market, but also a high degree of acceptance. The main nutritional value of yogurt is beneficial to digestion, helps calcium, rich in protein, and easily absorbed.
Key points:Choose yogurt products rich in lactic acid bacteria is important, at the same time adhere to drink.
Zinc Zinc - boost the immune system
Your immune system to maintain your health, while zinc is the key to resistance to inflammation. Recent studies have found that even lower blood zinc content but also harmful to immune function.
Key points:In order to enhance zinc intake, eat more dried beans, whole wheat bread, wheat germ, lean meat, turkey and seafood
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